Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Bonnet


(Heb. peer), Ex. 39:28 (R.V., head-tires"); Ezek. 44:18 (R.V.," "tires), denotes properly a turban worn by priests, and in Isa." "3:20 (R.V., "head-tires") a head-dress or tiara worn by females." "The Hebrew word so rendered literally means an ornament, as in" "Isa. 61:10 (R.V., "garland"), and in Ezek. 24:17, 23 "tire" "(R.V., "head-tire"). It consisted of a piece of cloth twisted" about the head. In Ex. 28:40; 29:9 it is the translation of a "different Hebrew word (migba'ah), which denotes the turban" "(R.V., "head-tire") of the common priest as distinguished from" the mitre of the high priest. (See [72]MITRE.)

The Old Testament

The New Testament