Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Caterpillar


The consumer. Used in the Old Testament (1 Kings 8:37; 2 Chr. 6:28; Ps. 78:46; Isa. 33:4) as the translation of a word (hasil) "the root of which means "to devour" or "consume," and which is" used also with reference to the locust in Deut. 28:38. It may "have been a species of locust, or the name of one of the" "transformations through which the locust passes, locust-grub. It" "is also found (Ps. 105:34; Jer. 51:14, 27; R.V., "cankerworm")" "as the rendering of a different Hebrew word, yelek, a word" "elsewhere rendered "cankerworm" (q.v.), Joel 1:4; 2:25. (See" [103]LOCUST.)

The Old Testament

The New Testament