Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Face


Means simply presence, as when it is recorded that Adam and Eve "hid themselves from the "face [R.V., `presence'] of the Lord" "God" (Gen. 3:8; comp. Ex. 33:14, 15, where the same Hebrew word" "is rendered "presence"). The "light of God's countenance" is his" "favour (Ps. 44:3; Dan. 9:17). "Face" signifies also anger," "justice, severity (Gen. 16:6, 8; Ex. 2:15; Ps. 68:1; Rev. 6:16)." "To "provoke God to his face" (Isa. 65:3) is to sin against him" openly. "The Jews prayed with their faces toward the temple and Jerusalem "(1 Kings 8:38, 44, 48; Dan. 6:10). To "see God's face" is to" have access to him and to enjoy his favour (Ps. 17:15; 27:8). This is the privilege of holy angels (Matt. 18:10; Luke 1:19). "The "face of Jesus Christ" (2 Cor. 4:6) is the office and person" "of Christ, the revealer of the glory of God (John 1:14, 18)."

The Old Testament

The New Testament