Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Heifer


Heb. `eglah, (Deut. 21:4, 6; Jer. 46:20). Untrained to the yoke (Hos. 10:11); giving milk (Isa. 7:21); ploughing (Judg. 14:18); treading out grain (Jer. 50:11); unsubdued to the yoke an emblem of Judah (Isa. 15:5; Jer. 48:34). "Heb. parah (Gen. 41:2; Num. 19:2). Bearing the yoke (Hos. 4:16); "heifers of Bashan (Amos 4:1), metaphorical for the voluptuous" "females of Samaria. The ordinance of sacrifice of the "red" "heifer" described in Num. 19:1-10; comp. Heb. 9:13."

The Old Testament

The New Testament