Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Maccabees


This word does not occur in Scripture. It was the name given to the leaders of the national party among the Jews who suffered in "the persecution under Antiochus Epiphanes, who succeeded to the" Syrian throne B.C. 175. It is supposed to have been derived from "the Hebrew word (makkabah) meaning "hammer," as suggestive of" "the heroism and power of this Jewish family, who are, however," "more properly called Asmoneans or Hasmonaeans, the origin of" which is much disputed. "After the expulsion of Antiochus Epiphanes from Egypt by the "Romans, he gave vent to his indignation on the Jews, great" numbers of whom he mercilessly put to death in Jerusalem. He "oppressed them in every way, and tried to abolish altogether the" "Jewish worship. Mattathias, an aged priest, then residing at" "Modin, a city to the west of Jerusalem, became now the" courageous leader of the national party; and having fled to the "mountains, rallied round him a large band of men prepared to" "fight and die for their country and for their religion, which" was now violently suppressed. In 1 Macc. 2:60 is recorded his dying counsels to his sons with reference to the war they were "now to carry on. His son Judas, "the Maccabee," succeeded him" "(B.C. 166) as the leader in directing the war of independence," "which was carried on with great heroism on the part of the Jews," and was terminated in the defeat of the Syrians.

The Old Testament

The New Testament