Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Rehob


Street; broad place. (1.) The father of Hadadezer, king of Tobah "(2 Sam. 8:3, 12)." "(2.) Neh. 10:11. "(3.) The same, probably, as Beth-rehob (2 Sam. 10:6, 8; Judg. "18:28), a place in the north of Palestine (Num. 13:21). It is" "now supposed to be represented by the castle of Hunin," "south-west of Dan, on the road from Hamath into Coele-Syria." "(4.) A town of Asher (Josh. 19:28), to the east of Zidon. "(5.) Another town of Asher (Josh. 19:30), kept possession of by the Canaanites (Judg. 1:31).

The Old Testament

The New Testament