Bible Dictionary
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The Definition of the word Taverns, The three

Taverns, The three

A place on the great Appian Way," about 11 miles from Rome," "designed for the reception of travellers, as the name indicates." "Here Paul, on his way to Rome, was met by a band of Roman" "Christians (Acts 28:15). The "Tres Tabernae was the first mansio" "or mutatio, that is, halting-place for relays, from Rome, or the" last on the way to the city. At this point three roads run into "the Via Appia, that from Tusculum, that from Alba Longa, and" "that from Antium; so necessarily here would be a halting-place," "which took its name from the three shops there, the general" "store, the blacksmith's, and the refreshment-house...Tres" "Tabernae is translated as Three Taverns, but it more correctly" "means three shops" (Forbes's Footsteps of St. Paul, p. 20)."

The Old Testament

The New Testament